Полный текст:
Kagan, M.S. (1988). Mir obshcheniia: Problema mezhsub”ektnykh otnoshenii [The world of communication: The problem of intersubjective relations]. M.: Politizdat. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (1995). ”Novaia ontologiia“ i problema iazyka [“New Ontology” and the problem of language]. Vestnik SPBGU, ser. 6, vyp. Z, 23-37. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (1997). Ontologiia kul’tury i dialogicheskaia germenevtika M.M.Bakhtina [Ontology of culture and dialogical hermeneutics of M.M.Bakhtin]. Metafilosofiia ili filosofskaia refleksiia v prostranstve traditsii i novatsii: Mezhdunarodnye chteniia po teorii, istorii i filosofii kul’tury [Metaphilosophy or philosophical reflection in places of traditions and innovations: International readings on the theory, history and philosophy of culture], №4, 250-256. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (2010). Estetika vne iskusstva, ili situatsionnaia estetika [Aesthetics outside art, or situational aesthetics]. In Estetika bez iskusstva? Perspektivy razvitiia. (Sbornik statei) [Aesthetics without art? Development prospects. (Collection of articles)] (9-16). SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (2011). Polifoniia i dialogizm. Estetika M.M. Bakhtina [Polyphony and dialogueism. Aesthetics M.M. Bakhtin]. In V.V. Prozerskii, N.V. Golik (Eds.), Istoriia estetiki: Uchebnoe posobie [History of aesthetics: Textbook] (538-543). SPb.: Izd-vo hristianskj gumanitarnoj akademii. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (2012). Kommunikativnaia model’ kul’tury [The world of communication: The problem of intersubjective relations]. Al’manakh kafedry estetiki i filosofii kul’tury SPbGU [Almanac of the Department of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture of St. Petersburg State University], №3, 262-273. SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (2014). M.M. Bakhtin: performativnyi podkhod k esteticheskoi kommunikatsii [M.M. Bakhtin: performative approach to aesthetic communication]. In Aktual’naia estetika-I: materialy mezhdunarodnogo foruma [Actual aesthetics-I: materials of the international forum] (29-31). SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (2018). Polifoniia i dialogizm. Estetika M.M. Bakhtina [Polyphony and dialogueism. Aesthetics M.M. Bakhtin]. In S.B. Nikonova, A.E. Radeev (Eds.), Estetika. Istoriia uchenii. V 2 ch. Chast' 2: uchebnik dlia bakalavriata i magistratury [Aesthetics. The history of the teachings. In 2 volumes. Vol. 2: textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies]. M.: Izd-vo Iurait. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V. (2018). Spor o iazyke estetiki [The debate about the language of aesthetics]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta tekhnologii i dizaina. Seriia 3. Ekonomicheskie, gumanitarnye i obshchestvennye nauki [Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 3. Economic, humanitarian and social sciences], №1, 56-61. (In Russian).
Prozerskii, V.V., & Radeev, A.E. (2019). Poniatie esteticheskogo sobytiia u M.M. Bakhtina i ego znachenie dlia sovremennoi estetiki [The concept of an aesthetic event in M. M. Bakhtin and its significance for modern aesthetics]. Unpublished. (In Russian).
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